Experienced Roofing Contractor

Parker Brothers Roofing specializes in residential and commercial in Oklahoma

Experienced Roofing Contractor

Parker Brothers Roofing specializes in residential and commercial in Oklahoma

Roofing Services

Roofing systems in our area are susceptible to extreme weather impacts year-round. Choosing the right contractor to handle your roofing project is extremely important. After all, roof replacement is the single largest home improvement you can make. We’re here to help!


At PBR we’re proud to have served over 10,000 clients in our 20+ years in business. Along the way, we’ve earned top honors from leading roofing materials manufacturers. This means our customers receive the best roofing system installation, bar none.


But, more importantly, our manufacturers and suppliers stand behind our work, ensuring you always have a quality roof over your head.

Our services include:

Take a Look at Some of Our Past Roofing Projects

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See how your roof will look with various colors and materials with the Owens Corning DesignEye app:


Be Aware When Hiring a Roofing Company


Financing available. No Signup fees. Easy Process. Subject to credit approval

Contact Us!
Locally owned. Lic.#80000013
825 N. Douglas Blvd. Midwest City, OK 73130
©2019 Parker Brothers Roofing. All Rights Reserved.
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