Experienced Roofing Contractor

Parker Brothers Roofing specializes in residential and commercial in Oklahoma

Experienced Roofing Contractor

Parker Brothers Roofing specializes in residential and commercial in Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Extreme Weather: Saving with Replacement Windows

One thing Oklahoma is well known for is its weather. The famous quote by Will Rogers “if you don’t like the weather in Oklahoma, wait a minute and it’ll change” is true for this state of ours. From extreme cold to extreme heat, we have it all. But if you don’t have the right windows, you may be impacted by these temperature swings indoors as well as outdoors.

Crazy Oklahoma Weather

January is the coldest month of the year in Oklahoma. On average, the temperature is 27°F, but extremes do happen. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Oklahoma happened in early February of 2011. On this date, the temperature in the town of Nowata dropped to -31°F!

But we don’t deal with just extreme cold. By the time July rolls around, the outdoors starts to feel like an oven. The average daily temperature in July reaches 93°F, but heat waves can make that seem cool. In the summer of 2011, the statewide average high temperature was 100.5 °F.

So, it’s been established that our winters can be unusually cold and our summers uncomfortably hot. However, we also sometimes experience these extremes in the same week. During one week in 2011, Nowata went from a record -31°F to a high of 79°F. That’s a temperature change of 110 degrees! In a week! Understanding the weather we deal with here, don’t you want windows that can work efficiently?

Upgrade for the savings alone

Energy-efficient windows work in a few different ways. First off, vinyl frames don’t conduct heat like aluminum framed windows. This factor keeps your windows cooler in the summer and keeps heat in during the winter. New windows are also double or triple-paned, which provides high insulation than the older single pane versions. Plus, a dense, inert gas can be found between the glass panes, which reduces the amount of air that passes through them.

With energy costs constantly on the rise, having windows that are not well-insulated will lead to your heater and air conditioner running more than they should. Using ENERGY STARⓇ rated products can save you up to $266 per month when replacing single-pane windows. However, the best windows in the world will not be useful if they are not installed correctly. So, if it’s time to replace your windows, Parker Brothers can help. We’re happy to visit with you and provide a free quote.

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